Step on a crack,
You’ll break your mother’s back; Step on a line You’ll break your father’s spine. Step in a ditch, Your mother’s nose will itch; Step in the dirt You’ll tear your father’s shirt Traditional American Funny Poems for Kids - Funny, crazy and silly poems for the classroom, home or wherever you please See more variations in the comments or if you know a different version then please share Like weird and wacky poems like this? Then you might want to have a listen to this
Old Roger is dead and gone to his grave, H’m, ha! gone to his grave. They planted an apple tree over his head. H’m, ha! over his head The apple grew ripe and ready to drop, H’m, ha! ready to drop There came a high wind and blew them all off, H’m, ha! blew them all off There came and old woman to pick them all up. H’m, ha! pick them all up. Old Roger got up and have her a knock, H’m, ha! gave her a knock. Which made the old woman go hipperty-hop, H’m, ha! hipperty hop. Funny Poems for Kids - Funny, crazy and silly poems for the classroom, home or wherever you please Like this poem? You might also like these silly songs
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