Old Roger is dead and gone to his grave, H’m, ha! gone to his grave. They planted an apple tree over his head. H’m, ha! over his head The apple grew ripe and ready to drop, H’m, ha! ready to drop There came a high wind and blew them all off, H’m, ha! blew them all off There came and old woman to pick them all up. H’m, ha! pick them all up. Old Roger got up and have her a knock, H’m, ha! gave her a knock. Which made the old woman go hipperty-hop, H’m, ha! hipperty hop. Funny Poems for Kids - Funny, crazy and silly poems for the classroom, home or wherever you please Like this poem? You might also like these silly songs
Once there was a woman went out to pick beans,
and she found a Hairy Toe. She took the hairy toe home with her, and that night, when she went to bed, the wind began to moan and groan. Away off in the distance she seemed to hear a voice crying, ‘Where’s my hair-r-y to-o-oe? Who’s got my hair-r-y to-o-oe?’ The woman scrooched down, way down under the covers, and about that time the wind appeared to hit the house Swoosh! And the old house creaked and cracked like something was trying to get in. The voice had come nearer, almost at the door now, and it said ‘Where’s my hair-r-y to-o-oe? Who’s got my hair-r-y to-o-oe?’ The woman scrooched further down under the covers and pulled them tight around her head. The wind growled around the house like some big animal and r-r-rum-mbled down the chimney. All at once she heard the door cr-r-eak, and something slipped in and began to creep over the floor The floor went cr-e-eak, cre-eak at every step that thing took towards her bed. The woman could almost feel it bending over her bed. Then, in an awful voice, it said: ‘Where’s my hairy toe? Who’s got my hairy toe? You’ve got it!’ Funny Poems for Kids - Funny, crazy and silly poems for the classroom, home or wherever you please |
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